What to make of the famous "Midle Tennessee" CSP. You can read the below remark from "Local Council Identification" by Prince Watkins published in 1981 and the article by Dr. Gene Berman published in the International Scouting Collectors Association Journal - Vol. 1, No. 3 September 2001.
My personal opinion is that the "LE" in Midle and the "T" in Tennessee look "different". The gap between MIDLE and TENNESSEE is also considerably larger than the gap between TENNESSEE and COUNCIL suggesting that the patch was not intentionally made as it now exists. I do not believe it was ever really issued to the council. In my opinion, it is either intentionally modified fake or single manufacturers error. Of those two it's hard to believe it would be a manufacturing error as Dr. Berman suggests as it is more than just thread missing (thread break).... there is thread added. Judge for yourself, as it is very likely that what really happened will never be known.
My personal opinion is that the "LE" in Midle and the "T" in Tennessee look "different". The gap between MIDLE and TENNESSEE is also considerably larger than the gap between TENNESSEE and COUNCIL suggesting that the patch was not intentionally made as it now exists. I do not believe it was ever really issued to the council. In my opinion, it is either intentionally modified fake or single manufacturers error. Of those two it's hard to believe it would be a manufacturing error as Dr. Berman suggests as it is more than just thread missing (thread break).... there is thread added. Judge for yourself, as it is very likely that what really happened will never be known.